Cloud Development

Businesses can leverage the latest cloud technologies in their web apps and other cloud-based solutions by using cloud services. These services include multiple remote data centers, development tools, and operating systems. Cloud platforms offer various models such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). These options enable businesses to integrate advanced technologies, streamline development, and scale resources efficiently. Adopting cloud services helps in optimizing operations and enhancing overall flexibility and performance.

Cloud Services

Why Choose Our Cloud Services?

Custom Cloud Applications

SCAND teams use their engineering, industry, and business expertise to deliver flexible cloud-based applications for clients. By incorporating the latest cloud technologies and advanced development methods, we create scalable and efficient solutions. Our approach ensures that applications are adaptable to evolving needs and leverage cutting-edge innovations. This commitment helps clients achieve optimal performance and stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

Cloud-Native Apps

Our team creates cloud-native applications designed as microservices, which operate on a containerized and dynamically orchestrated platform. We use elastic infrastructure to scale resources as needed and manage deployments efficiently. Through agile DevOps practices and continuous delivery workflows, we ensure rapid updates and consistent, reliable performance. This approach allows our applications to be flexible, scalable, and well-suited for dynamic, high-demand environments.

Cloud Migration and Integration

Whether it's a one-time migration from a legacy system or real-time integration between data sources, the SCAND team will support you throughout the entire process, ensuring data integrity is preserved. As a cloud app development company, we bring valuable experience in assessing, porting, re-engineering, and upgrading applications. Our expertise also extends to cloud migration and porting, ensuring seamless transitions and effective solutions tailored to your needs.

Cloud Data Management Solutions

At SCAND, our cloud solutions development for data management involves creating robust strategies that take a holistic approach to data throughout its entire lifecycle. We cover all aspects, including data backup and recovery, protection and security, visibility, activation, orchestration, and automation. This comprehensive approach ensures that your data is well-managed, secure, and efficiently handled at every stage, providing peace of mind and operational excellence.

Cloud ERP Solutions

Our cloud ERP software solutions, incorporating intelligent technologies like predictive analytics, digital assistants, and machine learning, help clients transition into Intelligent Enterprises. These advanced tools provide real-time insights and automation, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. Our solutions ensure access to critical business applications anytime and from any location, offering flexibility and streamlining processes. This integration supports businesses in staying competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Cloud Development

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You minimize attack surfaces by consolidating development into regulated cloud platforms like AWS or Azure. Sensitive credentials, company IP, and personal data remain protected compared to the risks associated with developer laptops that could be lost or compromised. Cloud infrastructures also offer robust security features such as encryption, access controls, and compliance frameworks, which are often cost-prohibitive for individual engineers to implement on their own.

Running resource-heavy build and test processes locally can slow down machines and limit parallelization. However, software teams using Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) can scale quickly without needing additional hardware. Spinning up new cloud development environments takes minutes, facilitating rapid team expansion. For instance, if you need high computing power temporarily for testing under heavy load, you can increase resources for your cloud instance without overspending. Many cloud dev environments also automatically scale up or down based on system load, optimizing resource use and cost.

In traditional setups with decentralized development on local devices, onboarding new developers can be challenging and time-consuming, requiring machines to be configured from scratch. Developers often spend significant time troubleshooting environment, dependency, and configuration issues rather than coding. A 2023 survey reveals that over 50% of developers' time is spent on maintenance, configuration, and operational tasks. However, Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) centralize these complexities, allowing developers to focus on building products instead of managing environments. CDEs optimize workflows with cloud-based IDEs, templated developer environments, automated infrastructure management, and rapid test execution, significantly boosting developer productivity.

Cloud Design

Cloud-native applications are designed to run smoothly on the cloud, either by developing their architecture from scratch or by extensively refactoring existing code. This process leverages cloud-based technologies to ensure optimal performance, scalability, and flexibility.

Cloud Technology